Articles and Chapters

Please feel free to email me for ungated copies of publications.

2023. “Mutual Dependence and Expectations of Cooperation.” (with Adam Harris). Journal of Politics, 85 (1). Draft Link.

2023. “Land and Legibility: When Do Citizens Expect Secure Property Rights in Weak States?” (with Karen E. Ferree, Ellen Lust and Melanie Phillips). American Political Science Review, 117 (1), 42-58. Non-Technical Summary ; Article Link ; Supplementary Materials.

2022. “The Power of the Pen: Informal Property Rights Documents in Zambia.” African Affairs, 121 (482), 81-107.; Draft Link.

2021. “What Stymies Action on Climate Change? Religious Institutions, Marginalization, and Efficacy in Kenya.” (with Amy Erica Smith and Jaimie Bleck). Perspectives on Politics. Non-Technical Summary; Article Link.

2019. “Traditional Leaders and Development in Africa.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. 2019.; Draft Link.

2019. “Elite Defection and Grassroots Democracy Under Competitive Authoritarianism: Evidence from Burkina Faso.” Democratization, 26 (4), 626-644. (with Sarah Andrews).

2017. “Selecting the State or Choosing the Chief? The Political Determinants of Smallholder Land Titling.” World Development 100, 94-107. Draft Link.

2016. “Immigrant Political Economies and Exclusionary Policy in Africa.” Comparative Politics, 48 (4) , 517-537. Draft Link.

Selected Working Papers and Works in Progress

“The Status of Customary Land and the Future of Smallholder Farmers Under the Current Land Administration System in Zambia.” (with Brian Mulenga). 2015. Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute (IAPRI), Working Paper 101. available here.